I’m specialized in flamenco guitars with authentic look, sound and playability. I build negra and blanca models by traditional methods and finishes.
"Koivisto flamenco blanca has been my number 1 guitar since I got it. It tours the world with me playing concerts together. In the near future I'll order Flamenco negra as well. The quality of the sound, the touch and almost every part of the guitar has been everything I need. This will be a lifetime relationship."
Koivisto Flamenco Guitar
Flamenco guitar is a beast of it’s own compared to classical guitars. Certain criteria must be achieved before meeting the demands of a flamenco player.
The Sound
Overall tone is crisp and powerful, high in volume. Attack is fast and sustain is short. Negra guitars typically have more ring and reverby sustain than blancas due to wood differencies. Traditionally blanca guitars were built with cypress back and sides which contribute to more mid-rangey sound punching through sometimes large group of singers, dancers and palmeros. Negras are usually built with different types of Rosewoods. In my builds I mainly use cypress and Indian rosewood for back and sides.
The Playability
I make the tops thin to be responsive for dynamics of the player. The bridge is low about 6mm to get the strings close to the top(8mm (+/- 1mm) at the bridge). The Neck is comfortable shape and not too thick. Usually I set the guitar up so that the action is for Low E 2,8-3mm and High E 2,5-2,8mm measured on the 12th fret. The Necks are shaped for easy playability: Not too thin, not too thick and comfortable shape for even smaller hands to reach chords that need stretching. Standard width at the nut 52mm and 12th fret 62mm. I build with standard scale of 650mm. Of course all the aforementioned measurements can be changed to suit the player’s needs when ordering the guitar.
The Construction
I build my guitars on a solera the traditional way. I use high quality woods dried for years. My guitars are light and durable and quaranteed to work for decades. All the guitars are finished with shellac. The humidity at the workshop is maintained at %45-50. Always use a humidifier inside your guitar during dry conditions.